I’m New

We know that meeting at a home/small group (no matter where you meet)  maybe a little intimidating, and maybe even uncomfortable for some.  Here at GCC it's a very casual atmosphere. You may dress however you like, just be comfortable.  Our environment is one where you can expect to feel welcomed and accepted.

Whoever you are, and no matter where you are in your relationship with the Father, we believe you will walk away from our time of fellowship, inspired and ready for the coming week.  God’s truth is real, and it’s for you, today.

What to Expect

At GCC we are doing things a bit differently.  One person in the group may be lead by the Spirit to speak a word of encouragement, another, perhaps will be lead by the Holy Spirit for us to sing a particular song, etc.  This is called organic, 'Open Style Worship.'  The organic 'Open Style Church,' like the early church (Ekklesia), are characterized by three freedoms:   pure worship, true sharing, and free ministry.

In open worship, everyone present at fellowship may participate -- whether it is singing a song, or perhaps sharing what the Holy Spirit has laid on their heart, or, offering prayers of praise of adoration to the Lord.

Why are we doing this?  We have prayed about this, and feel that we are being led back to the organic ekklesia style (church).

Why?  It is felt that our money instead of paying for mortgages/rent etc. should be put into the people,  back into the communities and to create real relationships.  We want to go back to the organic church as was done in biblical times.

The Body of Christ has been stifled by human traditions for far too long.  We are driven by a passion for the Body of Christ, on growing the home, organic, and missional, ekklesia style (church).

Below are a few books that will help you in understanding the organic, ekklesia style church.

Please see the Reference Page for more information on the books below and each author.

***  We are now leaving it up to individuals to be led to read the information in some of the books listed on the 'Reference' page,  and then find people who are like-minded and gather in your own homes, coffee house, the beach etc.  (anywhere you like - sky is the limit)  and times of your choosing.

We are providing the website as a place of information to learn, grow and share with others.