It’s Time for Change: We are Swimming Upstream by Going Against the Majority

It's time for change: We are swimming upstream by going against the majority.

Today, we would rather be loved and approved by the Lord, than be liked and esteemed by men, and with this, we understand that we are swimming upstream and against the current of the majority.

We understand that we are swimming upstream and against the current of the majority. Since having come to the revelation that something is intrinsically wrong with the religious system...

Since having come to the revelation that something is intrinsically wrong with the religious system...

Since having come to the revelation that something is intrinsically wrong with the religious system, it seems like we are daily convicted to unload some type of religious baggage. Whether it happens fast like the shedding of a snake, or slow, like the peel of an onion, the Holy Spirit says, ‘it’s time for a change'!!

During the process, we have come to understand that certain traditions have no foundation in New Creation Life, so they must go.  The Spirit is continuously revealing the emptiness of those things we once participated in, and strived for.

Below are some of these convictions, so please, take a moment to ponder the following 5 points.

  1. We understand that each of us is uniquely gifted and has been given diverse emphasis to strengthen His Body.

  2. We also understand that while we may be out of the system, the system may not yet be completely out of us.

  3. Different saints are in different places on this journey.

  4. Knowing how utterly confused we were at one time, this should give us the grace to be patient with each other.

  5. I do not need to believe like you, to love you, and have fellowship with you.

Posted in Articles Of Interest, Thought for Today.