Where’s Waldo?? | graceunlimited.ca

This reminds me of the book that my children used to love when they were younger, called 'Where's Waldo'?

My kids spent hours looking for a character named Waldo (double page spread with dozens of people in the picture) and Waldo who was hidden in the group.

Where is Waldo?

Where is Waldo??? | graceunlimited.ca

As I do my research as to what is one of the most asked questions asked by Christians today is, "I wonder if the Antichrist is here already?  I wonder where/who he is?"

There is plenty of lively discussion and speculation around this subject. 

What amazes me is a question of greater importance. 

What we should be asking is -- I wonder if the Elijah, who is to come, is already here?  I wonder where, and who he is? 

Lets take our attention off of the Antichrist and put them on the Messenger of God............stay tuned.

The East Coast Herald
Posted in Word for Today.